Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Acrostic Poem

Costing lots of money
Turn switches off
In your home
Conserve electricity
It will save you money
Try not to waste it
You need to be wise

photo attribution: Complex by Hapal http://www.flickr.com/photos/hapal/3345917597/


  1. I really like your acrostic poem. I've been encouraing my Y3 & Y4 students to write acrostic poems about Autumn. I'd like to share your acrostic with them at school tomorrow.

    Jo Fothergill
    Raumati Beach School

  2. I think you have a really cool poem - Connor (8)

    I think your poem is awesome - Daniel (8)

    I think it's cool that you're 8 and have your own blog - Dylan (8)

    I think your poem is true - we need to do all those things - Eli (7)

    I think your poem is excellent - Drew (7)

    I think your poem has got lots of detail - Kelsey (7)

    I think your poem has got lots of interesting words - Jeffrey (7)

    I like the fact that you used sentences and not just single words - Ryan (8)

    I think it's way too cool that you're 8 and doing this kind of acrostic poem - Hannah T (7)

    I like how you chose the word electricity - Libby (8)

    I wish I was as good as you in poetry writing - Hannah G (8)

    Your poem is excellent - Tiealee (7)

    I like the poem - Jack (9)

    I like your idea about power - Alex (8)

    It was a long poem - well done - Ryder (7)

    I like your acrostic poem - Jessica (7)

    I think we should write a poem like yours - Ashleigh - (7)

    I like your poem because you use interesting words - Tina (8)

    This is the best poem I've read - James (8)

    I think your poem is amazing - Kate (7)

    Now that's what I call an acrostic poem - Ben (8)

    Room 10 - Raumati Beach School

  3. Thanks for all your comments guys/grils/men/women

  4. i think your poem is awsome. it should teach us all a lesson :)
